A full Sample module app of odoo addons.
All the code, views, data ,banner, icon and description sample follow the odoo rule.

Sample manifest file.
Including structure and name and description etc, all field sample.
Security xml and csv file for role group access rule. Sample icon, banner, index.html, install/uninstall hooks. Follow most odoo rule follow

Sample .py models file, for new model and inherit model
Please comment the inherit .py file of product_template.py in produce odoo.

Sample .xml views file for models, with list, kanban, form, search




Sample controllers file for website data publish and api developer
including how inherit odoo portal home.

Sample report design file.
.py file with how sql define.

.xml file for graph and pivot.

Sample action and menu file.
Root menu and menu group and action menu.

Ui misc sample. Alert like info and special field setup.

Odoo Widget sample.
170+ widget list document

Frequently Used Sample.

Quick access odoo developer Tutorials online.
Click alert info to visit. Document online for chinese and english. Fast visit in China.