
App crm browse by stage and team

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54 / ¥ 0.00
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Browse crm lead by stage and team. Use for parent children tree list kanban navigator.
ztree widget.Hierarchy Tree.Parent Children relation tree..

¥ 1.00 1.0 CNY ¥ 1.00 不含增值税

¥ 1.00 不含增值税

优惠: 中国用户9折 专项额外优惠 专项优惠券

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运输:2-3 个工作日

Crm Advance search, Navigator by stage and team

Free to use. Get extra paid Apps for more powerful.

Advance quick search for various field in all odoo app.Support list, kanban, pivot, graph, search more views.

- Get app_web_super for more Features -


Quick Advance Search and navigator for all app data.

30+ free odoo app search in box.


Quick search in tree list header. 

Date range, Datetime, selection, number supported.


Advance search sidebar for many2one, many2many field.

m2o search, m2m search for multi select.


Advance siderbar for date range search, datetime search.

Extra for boolean search, selection search, number search.


Search sidebar for list, kanban.

Add more pivot, graph views than origin odoo.


Support navigate in search more.

Quick filter and search for m2o or m2m field.


Easy customize for any app. any module. 

Extra param for searchpanel. view_types, class, name_field, icon


All app Advance search Out-of-Box.

Product, CRM, Sales, Purchase, MRP, Stock, Accounting, HR, Project, Etc.

- Demo Video -

Demo Gif Animation if you can not get video

Crm Advance search, Navigator by stage and team

- Feature Guide -

All in One Search

Quick Advance Search and navigator for all app data.

Crm Advance search, Navigator by stage and team

Quick search in tree list header.

Crm Advance search, Navigator by stage and team

Search sidebar for M2O M2M, date range, boolean search, selection search, number search.

Crm Advance search, Navigator by stage and team

Filter any data like product in search more windows

Crm Advance search, Navigator by stage and team

Product Search

Use in product and Category.

Crm Advance search, Navigator by stage and team

Filter product or any data in search more windows

Crm Advance search, Navigator by stage and team

Sale Search with list header

Crm Advance search, Navigator by stage and team

Sale Search with sidebar

Crm Advance search, Navigator by stage and team

Purchase Search with sidebar and list header

Crm Advance search, Navigator by stage and team

Vender Price Search

Crm Advance search, Navigator by stage and team

Purchase report Search

Crm Advance search, Navigator by stage and team

Stock Inventory Search

Crm Advance search, Navigator by stage and team

Operation Type Search

Crm Advance search, Navigator by stage and team

Lot Serial Search

Crm Advance search, Navigator by stage and team

CRM Search

Crm Advance search, Navigator by stage and team

Leads Report Search

Crm Advance search, Navigator by stage and team

MRP Search

Crm Advance search, Navigator by stage and team

Work Order

Crm Advance search, Navigator by stage and team

POS point of sale Search

Crm Advance search, Navigator by stage and team

POS Report

Crm Advance search, Navigator by stage and team

HR employee Search

Crm Advance search, Navigator by stage and team

Account Search

Crm Advance search, Navigator by stage and team

Customer Invoice, Vendor Bill, Journal Entries Search

Crm Advance search, Navigator by stage and team

Journal Item Search

Crm Advance search, Navigator by stage and team

Project Search

Crm Advance search, Navigator by stage and team

Task Report Search

Crm Advance search, Navigator by stage and team

Partner contacts Search

Crm Advance search, Navigator by stage and team

Admin Search

Menu Quick Search

Crm Advance search, Navigator by stage and team

Action Search

Crm Advance search, Navigator by stage and team

Report Search

Crm Advance search, Navigator by stage and team

Views Search

Crm Advance search, Navigator by stage and team

Attachment Search

Crm Advance search, Navigator by stage and team

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Visit to get our [app_web_superbar] Demo


Free download:
  • Product navigate by category or type is ready. Click to download.
  • Sale order navigate by partner and channel is ready. Click to download.
  • Purchase order navigate by partner is ready. Click to download.
  • Stock location navigate by parent, Picking by type is ready. Click to download.
  • CRM browse by stage and team is ready. Click to download.
  • MRP manufacture order navigate by state workcenter is ready. Click to download.
  • Pos navigate by category or store is ready. Click to download.
  • HR employee navigate by department is ready. Click to download.
  • Account chart navigate by type is ready. Click to download.
  • Project Advance search with superbar is ready. Click to download.
  • Contacts navigate by company is ready. Click to download.
  • Admin Navigator with menu, report, etc. is ready. Click to download.
  • There is also 10+ free ztree widget addons of product, sale, stock ready for you. Click to download.
  • It is so easy to customize, you can use it in anywhere in odoo

    - How to setup and use -

    This app need no extra module. The price already included

    1. Buy and Install app_web_superbar.

    2. Easy use of superbar

    Show superbar in list view.

    Crm Advance search, Navigator by stage and team

    Show superbar in kanban view.

    Crm Advance search, Navigator by stage and team

    Show superbar in pivot view.

    Crm Advance search, Navigator by stage and team

    Show superbar in graph view.

    Crm Advance search, Navigator by stage and team

    3. If you want to customize, Use follow param to setup widget
    Crm Advance search, Navigator by stage and team

    Technical Help & Support

    For any type of technical help & support requests, Feel free to contact us


    Via QQ: 300883 (App user would not get QQ or any other IM support. Only for odoo project customize.)


    Visit our website for more support.


