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- 更多支持:务必参考 FAQ常见问题与答疑
Odoo App will help you to create odoo module without any technical knowledge, you can create many odoo module, models, menus , views, install and use it to your odoo database quick way.
User can create custom app themselves who has basic knowledge of Odoo
Create models, views, Menus how many you want in one odoo module
Download created app as a zip file
How It Works
Module Name : It will be name of the app
Zip File Name : It will be name of the zip file which contains app
Sequence :Set Sequence to display your app into app list
Installable : Must be true, to install an app
Application : If true, app will display in apps which is default filter when we click on Apps in Odoo
Auto Install : If true, app will automatically install when the database is created
Once top and sub-menus are created now its time to create actual menu which displays our custom fields
And for that we need to create model also to store custom fields
Same this you can create Many2many also
Show in Tree : If true, it will show field into tree view also, in form view its default
Required : If true, fields value can't be empty
Index : If true, it will create index of a field into database - used for searching purpose
Copy : If true, field's value will be copied while duplicating record
You can create as much as fields which you want
Description : Simple description for your model
Order : Used for sorting records into tree view based on field, default order will be ascending
Descending Order : If true, record sorting will be into descending order
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版本 | 16.0 或 13.0 |